Circleson Television respects the intellectual property rights of others and strives to ensure that all content displayed on our website complies with copyright regulations.
Use of Images and Content
All images featured on our website are believed to be widely accessible on various online platforms and are deemed to be within the public domain. We exert every effort to ensure that all content displayed on our website is used within the confines of our legal rights.
Copyright Infringement Claims
If you believe that any content displayed on our website violates your copyright, please notify us at your earliest convenience. To initiate a claim of infringement, please provide the following details:
- Your Contact Information: Full name, contact number, and email address.
- Description of Copyrighted Work: A description of the copyrighted work that you assert has been infringed.
- Location of Infringing Material: The precise URL or a detailed description of each location where the purported infringing material is situated.
- Declaration of Infringement: A declaration by you affirming that you have a genuine belief that the disputed utilization has not been authorized by you, your representative, or the law.
- Electronic or Physical Signature: The electronic or physical signature of the individual authorized to act on your behalf.
- Verification Statement: A statement from you, under penalty of perjury, verifying the accuracy of the information in your notification and confirming that you are the copyright owner or duly authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Removal of Infringing Content
Please be advised that the removal of copyrighted material as requested will be actioned within two business days subsequent to the successful confirmation of the information provided regarding the infringing content. We are committed to keeping you informed of the progress of your claim.
Misrepresentation of Infringement
It is imperative to acknowledge that individuals who knowingly misrepresent that material or activity infringing may be held accountable.
Cooperation and Appreciation
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and we extend our gratitude for your assistance in upholding a fair and respectful online community.